by: Matt Simerson
Wednesday 12 Mar 25

On September 2nd of 2000 my girlfriend Lyn was carried across the country on the wings of a big shiny bird that dropped her off in the SeaTac airport where I was anxiously awaiting her arrival. She did arrive, as usual, well packed in a carry-on bag. This chick knows how to travel. :-) This is her brushing her teeth in my bathroom. She brushes her teeth often. This is a good thing when you spend a lot of time kissing as we sometimes do. ;-) Well, OK, we only kiss a lot when we're together.

Since Lyn is a female critter, she has something I lack and that's taste. I was waiting to get a good couch and when she got her I appointed her the head of my couch selecting committee. I took her to a couple couch places I had found and she immediately found the nicest, most expensive couch made. She's good at finding nice stuff and sure enough, it's a great couch. So, I bought it and here I am, proud as a peacock plopped in my leather, baffled, down stuffed, well sprung couch.

Hey, what's that in my hand? A brand new MagLite to replace the one I lost. Why the big grin? Because I bought it at Costco and there it only cost $20 to buy the 4D cell size Mag WITH a AA mini-mag as well. Yeah baby, nothing like getting a good deal.

Hey, I'm proud of this picture, after only three of four minutes of fiddling without the manual, I figured out how to make Lyn's new camera take a timed photo. Of course, once I did figure it out I had to run back over to where she was and get into the photo but by golly, I figured it out!

After spending a couple days in the Bellevue/Seattle are I took her out to see the mountains. The mountains. This here was a really cool shot of a doe and fawn up on Hurricane ridge.

I also have a couple great shots that were taken with Lyn's camera which has a very cool panorama feature. Since the pictures are very wide, you'll have to view them by clicking on their links below:

Hurricane Ridge #1 (Lyn)
Hurricane Ridge #2 (Matt)

That's all for now, I'll add more when I get the film in my camera developed.

A mere six months later but here's another fine picture: