Image thieves

Thank you myspace, for providing your users with a simple mechanism for stealing not just my images, but also my bandwidth. After perusing my web server logs to find the root of another problem, I noticed a significant amount of my images being served for myspace profile pages.

With a glint in my eye and a small grin, I have just single-handedly caused a rash of 403 Forbidden errors to appear on the pages of many myspace users. I doubt having broken images on a myspace profile is cool nor would having a random sysadmin expose your thievery to your fan base.

I can’t stop them from stealing my images, but I can stop them from stealing my bandwidth.

5 thoughts on “Image thieves”

  1. Aww…no links? Not even a name, if no link? And just what images are they stealing? Certainly not the G5 photos. 😉

    Oh…probably the Alaska stuff. Still seems out of place on a MySpace page.

  2. The most popular ones are in the /humor/ section of my site, followed closely by the photos of my Jetta and my bald head.

    It’s trivial to see what page (and thus profile) has the naughty author, and after persuing a few of them, it’s easy to tell they have no affiliation with me other than liking my photos.

  3. It wasn’t me! The only thing I would do with is:

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =
    object_id(N'[dbo].[MySpaceUsers]’) and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N’IsUserTable’) = 1) drop
    table [dbo].[MySpaceUsers]

  4. Pingback: Emma

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