iPad 3G and iPhone data plan

I picked the 3G iPad for 2 reasons: I want the 3G data while traveling, and I want the GPS because so many mobile apps make good use of it. I didn’t like the wait but it was worth it. Even without a 3G data plan active, the built in GPS is useful when coupled with a GPS app like Motion GPS, which has support for map caching. I have maps for the entire Greater Seattle area (street and topo) cached on my iPad.

For the car, I find the iPad to be a better car GPS than a mobile phone for two reasons. Because of the larger screen, I can nearly always see what I need in a single glance. The distraction time is less than with a mobile phone where the need to scroll, swipe, and tap little buttons is greater. The other reason the iPad beats a mobile phone for GPS is raw speed. Pressing a button results in instant changes, so there’s very little time spent glancing at the device to see if the desired data is displayed yet.

The best 3G iPad feature is being able to drop my iPhone SIM into the iPad and use the 3G data plan I already pay for. The ability to do so is limited by only two things: the carrier profile on the iPad needs to be set appropriately, and the iPhone SIM cards physical size. The iPad is not carrier locked so setting the carrier profile is a snap. That leaves dealing with the SIM cards physical size.

Some people have speculated that Apple chose the micro SIM format as a concession to AT&T. While that may be the case, I believe that Apple is leading the industry towards adoption of the micro SIM format and the soon to be released iPhone will also use the smaller SIM card.

I wanted to use the iPad with my existing 3G iPhone. An old credit card (for adapter material), a pair of kitchen shears, an x-acto knife, and a bit of careful trimming yielded me an adapter and a micro SIM I can use in both devices.

To 3D or not to 3D?

I’m still not sure I prefer 3D movies. We watched Avatar in 3D when it came out, at the really big IMAX (we have 3 in the area). Movie aficionados tell us that’s the only one to consider. Jen enjoyed the 3D experience where I just found it jarring. I kept finding myself thinking about the plot (or lack thereof) and the effects rather then being engaged and immersed.

Perhaps it is something in my head. I am rarely able to see the 3D stereograms that so many people enjoy.

I have been looking forward to seeing Avatar in 2D. Tonight we watched it on the 96″ HD screen in the living room. The planet of Pandora is smaller and less impressive in 2D. Or perhaps, that’s the difference between watching on a screen several stories tall versus one 4′ tall. Dropping off the side of a cliff on a banshee is less exhilarating. But I enjoyed the movie more. I was able to stay engaged.

Jen prefers the 3D version. And we both think the score was sorely lacking. But the movie is good enough to watch several times.

iPad and iPhone battery life

In his article, Why the iPad and iPhone don’t Support Multitasking, Robert Love says:

Apple says they do not support multitasking because it is a hamper to stability and a drain on battery life. That clearly isn’t true—the iPad has plenty of processing power and battery capacity.

Two words Robert: legacy devices. While the iPad and iPhone 3GS both have sufficient CPU to handle multitasking, neither the original iPhone nor the 3G does. I am reminded of this every time I use a 3G. Further, while the iPad seems to have plenty of battery life, that is a word very few people use to describe the battery life of any touchscreen phone.

Rumor is that Apple is going to add multitasking in a future OS release. This rumor likely is true. Is Apple somehow going to make background applications not consume any battery? Of course not. These excuses are straw men.

Except that’s almost exactly what Apple did. They provided application developers with the utility of background processing, but without the egregious consequences. Not surprisingly, multitasking only works on the current generation of iPhone OS devices.

The real reason that the iPad and iPhone do not allow third-party applications to multitask is likely more complex, more technical. …

I believe the rest of Robert’s argument is spot on. Where I differ with Robert is that he thinks the CPU and battery life are straw men. I believe they are very real issues that Apple has to contend with.

You Shouldn’t Buy an iPad (Yet)

In her article, Why You Shouldn’t Buy an iPad (Yet), Gina Trapani writes:

Apple’s iPad arrives in stores tomorrow and reviewers agree that it’s a magic revolutionary new class of computer. But you shouldn’t buy one. Not yet, anyway.
Let’s break this down.
First-generation Apple products are for suckers. Only lemmings with no self-control and excessive disposable income buy first generation Apple products, especially in a new gadget category. When they do, they pay the double the price for immature hardware and software.

The 2nd generation of Apple products has never been discounted 50% less than previous models. Further, I can’t remember a single case where I sold an Apple computer, iPod, or iPhone for less than 75% of the purchase price.

Remember the iPhone? It debuted in 2007 with two models priced at $500 and $600, with no native applications–only mobile Web apps, few of which came in an iPhone-friendly format at launch because it was such a new device. A year later, in 2008, a faster iPhone 3G went on sale for $300 less, with native application support.

The iPhone 3G is carrier subsidized and requires a contract. The original iPhone was not subsidized. The 3G costs less initially, but has a 2-year AT&T contract attached. It appears Gina has an anti-Apple grudge, as witnessed by her inability to compare an Apple to an Apple!

I did buy an original iPhone. I paid $300 on Sep 12, 2007, unsubsidized and contract free. Even today, the only unsubsidized contract free competitor to the iPhone is the Google Nexus One, priced at $529.

When 3rd party apps became available for the iPhone, they were not, as Gina implies, limited to use with the newer iPhones. All iPhone owners gained the capability via a free software update. The same will hold true for the iPad.

Despite the initial lack of third party native apps, the included apps on the first iPhone were excellent. Google Maps was available for many phones, but until the iPhone, it was barely usable. The email app was far better than any other phone, except perhaps the Blackberry. I vividly recall an airline stewardess blocking the aisle as a happy iPhone owner showed off the photo app with pinch to zoom. The web browser was so good that the mobile web finally got off the ground.

But the iPhone succeeded so dramatically because of its ability to share information with other computers. Even non-techies could sync music, movies, photos, and calendars. We all know someone who painstakingly entered their contacts from their old mobile into their new one by hand. The iPhone heralded a new era in which everyone could install iTunes and share data between their personal computer and their phone. Better still, the data stayed in sync.

I sold that first iPhone in July of 2009 for $225. The total cost to own that first generation iPhone for 22 months was $75. When I sold my iPhone 3G, I turned a $75 profit. When I upgrade to the next iPhone, I expect to make money on my iPhone 3GS.

Truly, first-generation Apple products are for suckers.

Don’t be the guy who bought the first-gen iPad when Apple slashes the 2011 iPad price in half.

Apple will not be dropping the price of the iPad 2.0 in half. It’s already priced very competitively. Odds are extremely low that they’ll drop the iPad price at all. Based on the history of iPhones and iPods, it’s almost certain that the 2nd iPad will cost almost exactly the same as the first.

Next year’s iPad will be faster, cheaper, less buggy, and have better apps and worthy competitors. Let all the deep-pocketed Jobs apostles be your canaries into the iPad coalmine. Give developers time to fix their apps to work well on the iPad. Give Apple a year to lower prices on faster hardware and fill in all the gaping feature holes. (Remember how long early iPhone owners lived without copy and paste?)

Yeah, don’t be that guy! After a year, you might want to sell your iPad 1.0 and buy a new one, resulting in a TCO of $50-100 to own the iPad for a year. During that time, you’ll have to put up with people curiously watching you use it, with mouths agape. You’ll have to endure dozens upon dozens of conversations about the iPad with friends, family, and strangers. All because you are one of the first to own the hottest new computing device on the planet. Don’t be that guy!

While the Apple faithful could argue that the iPad’s application platform matured during three years of deployment on the iPhone and iPod touch, keep in mind: iPad developers have been working on their software not with an actual iPad, but with a software simulator. You can’t truly see how your application works in a simulator. The great iPad apps haven’t grown up yet–and most of them haven’t even been born.

What percentage of iPad developers were already iPhone developers?

If you’re interested in the iPad because of what it will be someday, put your $500 in an interest-bearing savings account between now and when the device (or a competitor’s) realizes that potential. You’ll get a better product for less dough.

translation: $2.50 is more fun than owning an iPad for a year.

New gadgets create friction in your life.

translation: my gadget buying advice cannot be trusted.

In one year the iPad will be a much better device, and an entire ecosystem of competitors will offer you more choice and features for your money. When the heat of the iPad launchlust cools, and you’ve still got your 500 bucks in the bank, you’ll be glad you stayed out of the Apple store this weekend.

The iPhone had exactly zero competitors one year after its launch. After two years, the iPhone gained its first credible competitor, and now there are three. Something about Gina’s arguments smells a little fishy. Red herring, to be precise.

I won’t be at the Apple Store this weekend, but I will be buying an iPad. I’m waiting for the 3G version.

PSA: Don’t overpay for cables

overpriced HDMI cables
Don't Buy Expensive Cables

Before buying HDMI or other cables locally, check the price on them at monoprice.com or Amazon.com. Both will have low prices. I buy almost exclusively at monoprice because of their cheap USPS shipping. For example, a 6′ HDMI cable is $4. A toslink female to mini male adapter is $0.66 (use this to connect a Mac to your receiver via optical).

Walking desk – improved

After 50 hours of walking at my desk, a few shortcomings compelled me to action. Most of the treadmill surface was under the desk and not available for walking, forcing a shortened stride. It was also unsuitable for jogging or running. We left the treadmill on sliders, so it could be slid out for running. The most annoying problem was not being able to use the controls while standing on the treadmill.

On Saturday I did a little measuring and planning, and then cut out a 11″ x 32″ rectangle for the treadmills console to protrude through. I positioned the cutout 8″ from the front of the desk, leaving exactly enough space behind the console for my iMac to perch on. Then I slid the desk over the control unit and moved the desk surface up.

After everything was in position, I found two problems. The iMac fit but there wasn’t enough space between its chin and the back of the treadmill console to tilt. The solution was cutting a 1.5″ x 14″ notch at the rear (the part I stand in front of) of the desk cutout. That allowed the treadmill to move forward 1.5″ and now I can tilt the iMac.

The other problem was the shelf. With the initial cut, it didn’t fit. Anywhere. After adding the notch and moving the treadmill forward, it was mountable as can be seen. The ideal mounting distance from the front edge of the desk to the cutout is 12.5″. Everything fits perfectly.

I have used this new configuration for 10 hours now. I would like a little more desk available for my forearms to rest on, and I need to raise the desk surface. When I last raised it, I forgot to factor in the incline of the treadmill. Without intent, I created an adjustable height walking desk!

panasonic, a friend to consumers

panasonic.com shopping cart error

Dear Panasonic,

Thank you for your consumer friendly web site. I was all ready to pull out my credit card and buy that camera. At the last minute, you intervened and saved me.

PS: Consider hiring someone to finish setting up your shopping cart. Making it work properly in standards compliant browsers would be welcome too.

Handy domestic app

A year or two ago, I found GroceryIQ, a nifty shopping list application for the iPhone. It has an enormous built in catalog of grocery items, as well as being able to add custom items and custom stores. So, I can walk into REI, and it’ll show just the items I’m looking for.

The only feature I’ve wished for that it doesn’t have was syncing the list on Jen’s iPhone with the list on mine. A few months back, I poked around and lo and behold, the feature had been added.

Words cannot scarcely describe how wonderful this feature is. Any time Jen adds an item to her list, I get a push messsage that notifies me. And vice versa. When I open the app, the item is in my list.

Because the database is so large, items normally have the brand, size, and quantity as well. So when I buy something, I know I’m getting exactly the right product and quantity.

ZFS is production ready


In July of 2008, I was tasked with building a system to back up thousands of Linux based servers. Previous systems using Amanda and Bacula had failed, principally because they required a full time backup administrator to maintain. My job was to build a backup system that required very little maintenance, scaled well, and made restoring data straight forward and easy.

I initially deployed BackupPC which features data deduplication and would likely have reduced our storage needs by more than 60%. I deployed on two SuperMicro systems, each equipped with dual quad-core CPUs, 16GB RAM, and 24 one terabyte disks. I built out one system with OpenSolaris and the other with FreeBSD. After testing, we deployed both with FreeBSD.

BackupPC ended up being inadequate so I wrote my own backup system on top of rsnapshot. My backup system generates rsnapshot config files and then drives multiple concurrent rsnapshot processes on each of the backup servers, pumping data to the backup disks as fast as they’ll take it. I hacked up rsnapshot for better error handling and reporting. I log exactly how much data each remote system has, as well as how much is transferred during each backup.

About ZFS

The main reason we deployed on ZFS was file system compression. After testing several settings, I settled on compression=gzip. I noticed no difference in system performance between compression settings. The backup system has been in production since, with very little attention since deployment.

When initially deployed, each backup server required manual tweaks so that they would only crash once a day. The multiple concurrent rsync processes created a workload that stressed the ZFS memory pools. Working with the lead FreeBSD ZFS developer helped the situation and my systems only crashed once a week. When ZFS v13 was merged into FreeBSD 8-current, memory management improved and my systems only crashed once a month.

Even during the months of using ZFS with frequent crashes, I never lost any data. And there’s no need to fsck the disks after crashes. My confidence in ZFS grew enough that when I upsized the disks in my home file server, I switched from gmirror (tried and true) to ZFS mirrors. I back up my public server to my home file server and saw the same occasional rsync induced crashes. About the time FreeBSD released 8.0 beta releases, I updated and the crashes ceased. So I updated these backup servers and they too have been stable ever since.

I have added another server to the pool and currently store 58 terabytes of data and over a billion files. My compression ratio averages 2.25, more than doubling the effective capacity of the disks we purchased. After FreeBSD 8 was released, I upgraded all the backup servers and could scarcely be more pleased.

And then I learned that deduplication is coming to ZFS. I can’t wait to test it.