Does that mean anything to anyone?
On the very day the Mac Book Pro was announced, I placed my order. In fact, the order was placed within 5 minutes of the Apple Store being re-enabled (it’s typically disabled during such events). I was very excited to get it but all the orders got bumped back so I decided to cancel it and get a 20″ iMac Core Duo since it was available right away. On Tuesday I returned from school to find it sitting next to my desk.
If you have never bought a new Mac, then you might not appreciate the care and elegance with which Apple packages their computers. I’ve done it so many times that I expect it and hardly noticed the nice, well designed packaging. I had work to get done so I ripped it open, yanked out the goodies, and settled into hard core work playtime.
After setting up the iMac on my desk, it created a significant problem. I already had the 20″ and 23″ Cinema Displays hooked up to the G5 dual and they commanded a large portion of my desk. Adding yet another 20″ display consumed what was left. To relieve the crowding problem, I have moved the 20″ into our bedroom for watching movies when connected to the laptop. That will work until it or the 23″ gets sold on eBay.
My intent for this system is to replace one of my dual G5 systems which I can then sell on eBay. The reason it may achieve that goal is Continue reading “IntelliMac”
Lawyer Season
Press Release (02/14/06)
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department issued a statement today saying Vice President Cheney broke no law by shooting a lawyer instead of a quail over the weekend.
A TPWD spokesman noted that in Texas, lawyers are not considered game
creatures, and are thus not subject to seasonal limitations or bag limits.
It was further noted that lawyer-hunting is encouraged as the state is
overrun with them.A local food critic said that, contrary to rumor, lawyers do not taste like
chicken, but more like the excrement from uncastrated adult male cattle,
which has long been known to be a major component in their composition.
In all seriousness, I have empathy for Cheney. You see, I nearly shot my own father Continue reading “Lawyer Season”
Ol’ Charlie
Does belief in any of Charles Darwin’s theories, such as that the one taught in your child’s school, pose a problem for your faith?
If so, why? If not, then what is a proper hermeneutic for reading Genesis?
Making a splash
A nice thing our school does is include an activity fee with our tuition. I’m not speaking in a facetious manner, I actually mean it. For $55 per semester, we get a membership at a gym located a couple blocks from the school. Normal membership costs more than $55 per month so it’s a bargain. It is also one of the nicest fitness center I’ve seen.
Last semester, Kevan (my carpool buddy) and I began going in early to use the gym. They have a wading pool with six lanes and a full length swim pool with eight lanes. After spending a few mornings running on one of the dozens of machines, my knees reminded me how much they detest it so I began spending more time in the pool.
I can swim but it’s anything but graceful. In fact, it’s much like my skiing. I’m wild enough to jump off any double black diamond slope, Continue reading “Making a splash”
Presentation Devices for Mac OS X
One of my esteemed professors needs a remote for use in class. Actually, a couple of my professors are in need of a decent remote for their presentations in class. So, I did some searching around and found a couple good options, listed in order of recommendation.
Choice #1: Kensington Wireless Presentation Remote
All features of the Kensington are known to work reliably with Mac OS X. Simply click the link and it’ll take you to item at the store. If you order by clicking the link, they’ll even give me a little referral credit.
Choice #2: Logitech 2.4GHz Cordless Presenter
two chicks
Last week we saw a hot new chick in the neighborhood and I’ve been trying to get a photo of her ever since. We’ve seen her fly by a few times but yesterday was the first time she held still long enough for us to get a good look, and did we ever. Jen ran for the binoculars and I grabbed the camera and the 400mm telephoto lens.
Lucky for ya’ll, she held still long enough for me to snap a couple candid shots. In addition to the shot above, I also got one of her dropping her drawers to take care of some business. In the interests of moral sensibility, we’re not publishing that one. Today we saw her again, and she was at the top of her game. She was with some guy, and she had her claws sunk deep into him.
And the two were becoming one flesh, literally. We watched for 10 minutes trying to see exactly she had laid her claws into. Unfortunately, she was outside the range of my 400mm lens and our binoculars. Our best guess is: a cat.
And here is the other hot little chick in the neighborhood.
Winter is expiring.
It seems a bit premature to be making such pronouncements, but it seems winter is behind us. Last week the tree outside our bedroom window burst into bloom. Now the tree in front of our garage is also budding. Green grass is beginning to burst forth in patches. It appears that spring is springing.
Eight months
Our litle bundle of joy will be 8 months old on Saturday. She isn’t quite walking yet but given a couple fingers, she’ll happily follow our lead. She’s very keen to do anything we do. (Monkey see, Monkey do) If we’re eating it, she wants some too. So, in addition to feeding off mommy, she eats just about everything else that we do. She has two front teeth coming in.
Not only is she absolutely adorable, but we’re continually amazed at how pleasant her disposition is. She is a treat to have around. People ask how I get her to smile for the photos. The secret is, I don’t have to. She’s just happy all the time. Maybe it’s because she knows she’s beautiful?
click for more photos of Kayla.
Texas is heating up!
Thursday morning on my way into school traffic was backed up more than normal. We meet at 6:30AM and at that time, traffic going into downtown is heavy but not congested. Because I carpool, we get to use the HOV lane and typically never slow to less than 60mph. On Thursday, traffic was backed up past 635 (where we get onto I-30. A couple miles down the road, we passed the source of the backup.
On the North side of road was a grass fire blazing away with a few fire trucks working to supress it. On our way home, there was a good sized black patch along the road. Make no mistake, it’s dry here. The Governer has declared the entire state a drought disaster. The warm and sunny weather isn’t helping. The Texan cattleman are beginning to cull their herds, the cotton producers can’t till the soil until some rain falls, and they’ve imposed a state wide burn ban. They have even banned arson! Shucks, and I was planning…oh never mind.