Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly introduce you to Lucas.
More photos are available in the photo gallery.
Adventures on the Journey
Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly introduce you to Lucas.
More photos are available in the photo gallery.
My very own father makes it into the Traverse City newspaper and nobody seems to know a thing about it?!
Now that you are famous, “Dad, can I have your autograph?”
Today’s “Top 10” list is the best ways to insure you have very attentive medical assistance.
• When your wife wakes you to inform you of labor pains, get up and start making cookies for the attending staff.
• Make sure the cookies give off a powerful and attractive aroma. I recommend peanut butter oatmeal cookie sandwiches. Empirical evidence suggests a high degree of effectiveness.
• Make sure they are fresh and warm upon arrival to maximize odor emanation.
• Give one (or two) to the Doctor just before he leaves your room. This will assure that nurses will see the cookie(s) and inquire of their origin.
• Make plenty of cookies. You’ll need enough to satiate the immediate attending staff and the “scavenger” staff who come strictly for the cookies.
• Plan ahead and have a list of “niceties” you can ask the scavenger staff to supply in exchange for cookies. You won’t think of this “in the moment” because there are too many other things to think about, so keep a list. Examples: parking tokens, WiFi access, a wheelchair for daddy to wheel himself around in for amusement, etc. Be creative! Once you have them in your room, the cookie odor is intoxicating and they will be quite motivated.
• Did I mention the need to make many cookies? The scavengers crumb trail will attract other hospital staff.
Due: Today.
Arrived: Today, 2:49PM.
7 pounds, 14 oz.
20.5 inchesl
We are still hunting for a first name, something that suits a boy and begins with the letter L.
Unlike Kayla, who gave one cry upon arrival, Junior has been a fairly steady stream of small cries, squeaks, and chatter. It’s quite interesting, and one thing is certain; Junior is much more vigorous.
Folks, this is exciting! This is more fun than clicking refresh on FedEx’s site when a new toy is in the mail. I’m off to make cookies, for our attendants.
We had a checkup this morning. The doctor inserted a tin can and string to Junior and handed us the other tin can. After a short conversation, we learned a few things.
1. The quarters are quite cramped. Momma would say we already knew this, but hey, this is “insider info!”
2. He’s in no hurry to get out. Unlike Kayla, who just couldn’t wait to arrive, Junior is chillin’. Apparently he likes the warmth and moisture, which bodes well for him if we stay in Texas. It could also be that he likes seeing his food arrive in a tube. The string wasn’t very tight so we had to guess at exactly what he was trying to say.
Doc says we’re 50% effaced and 2cm dilated. What does that mean? Not a whole lot. Being half effaced means the cervix is getting ready, but arrival is not imminent. It could be later this week, or next, or even the next…unless we choose to induce.
It could just be that Junior 2.0 likes to be on time and is waiting until Saturday. We shall see.
In response to Martha’s “it’s snowing” post, I find it timely to point out that summer is finally over in Texas. The 100° days are behind us and from here through most of December, we’ll have the windows open each day and night, enjoying the cool fall weather.
A neighbor (Barry) and I are getting out and walk/jogging since is has finally cooled off. Our friends and family back in Michigan are getting ready to hole up inside for the winter, and we’re finally emerging from our air conditioned abodes. Texas is not all that different.
Junior 2.0 is due in 8 days. We’ll see if he is anxious to see what all that noise outside his cocoon is.
Sorry folks, but we just have too much fun playing with Kayla to spend time writing about it. She is too much fun!
At just over 16 months, her personality is really starting to develop. She displays a surprising number of emotions and jabbers incessantly, unless someone else is around, or we are videoconferencing with grandpa and grandma, in which case we can’t get a peep out her. She has 5 pair of shoes now, well on her way to becoming an American woman. Except that she really has a thing for daddy’s tools, and is quite curious to see how things work. When she has decided it’s time for our daily walk, she brings her socks and shoes to us. Once shod, she stands by the door and makes pitiful little sounds until one of us complies.
She has learned most of her face parts by name and is just starting to learn the names of colors. At the top of her reading list is 101 Dalmatians, Goodnight Moon, and her touch and feel bedtime book. Her two favorite objects are the moon and birds. Both are quite thrilling to see in real life and in pictures. Two evenings ago we were walking around our cul-de-sac and had to pause to see the moon. And we paused, and paused, and paused, and paused….
She very much enjoys baths but disdains a wet face. That makes rinsing her hair challenging. Mommy tries the delicate approach. Daddy just dumps handfuls of water over her head. Neither way prevents her from recoiling but one method only lasts for 5 seconds, which is not quite long enough to work up to a cry. Despite the aversions to a wet face, the wading pool Grandpa & Grandma Ruby sent home with us continues to be a big hit. We would toss that pool onto our back porch on 100° days (Aug-Sep). The very instant she could see it, anxious cries of excitement ring out.
We are also learning a lot from her. For instance, we did not know the primary reason why bathrooms have doors. Jen and I have lived in a fairly “open” environment. We never bother closing any doors except the ones that keep the hot Texas air out (or the Michigan mosquitoes). This has changed. It might have had something to do with the toilet paper Kayla loves to unroll, but I doubt it. It was the sinister news I received one night while I was in Atlanta.
While talking on the phone with Jen, she told me that she had forgotten to close the guest bathroom door. With the two of us in the house, one of us always catches that detail. It slipped by unnoticed until Jen heard the sound of the toilet lid closing. Not content to simply play in the conveniently placed pool and drench herself from head to toe, Kayla decided that her stuffed animals would like to play in the mini-pool as well. That door remains closed now at all times.
We have also given Kayla a new nickname, “harm.” We spend a part of each day making sure anything that she could hurt, or might hurt her, is out of “harm’s” way. She is at the point where she knows no limits, but she is very smart. It only takes whacking her head once to dissuade her from doing “that” again.
She has taught us to be fastidious housekeepers. Anything within 12 inches of the edge of a desk is subject to relocation under the Kayla World Organization Plan. We haven’t entirely deduced the logic behind the KWOP but the results are quite predictable. One, or often two, adults walking around the house, checking the trash cans, toy bins, and anywhere else about knee-height for something that was too close to the edge of a desk or counter. Being quite wise, mommy has taken to planting decoys to help distract her.
Bedtime has become somewhat ritualistic. Late in the evening she starts getting tired and silly. Then we play and be silly until she crashes. Tonight I recorded a couple minutes of us being silly.
If you’ve got the bandwidth, click here to see the Kayla-Go-Round movie.
A friend recently asked a very good question, “What disk tools should be in a persons disk utility collection for backup/recovery of a Mac?” At the top of my list is two applications: SuperDuper! ($28) and Chronosync ($30).
SuperDuper is in a class of utilities used to duplicate the contents of your hard drive. There are other options (Synchronize! Pro X – $99, Carbon Copy Cloner – $5, Retrospect), but none that deliver so much for the money.
I owned Synchronize! Pro years ago but gave up on it during the switch to OS X. CCC was the perfect (and only) tool for duplicating OS X drives for quite a while. I used and recommended it for a few years. It’s so good and cheap that I paid the suggested donation for it several times. It “just works.” However, CCC has grown rather long in the tooth. As new versions of OS X arrived, it has been slow to get updated and even the latest version today does not support all of OS X’s file metadata features.
Say hello to SuperDuper.
Like CCC, SuperDuper will duplicate your drive contents from one drive to another, for free. However, with your paid registration, SuperDuper uses a sync engine that copies just the changes from one drive to the other. It works quite well and you (and I) are much more likely to back up often if only takes a few minutes (versus hours). I have a few bare ATA disks with sticky notes on them, so I know which computer they are for. I hook them up to my WiebeTech ComboDock and back up periodically. It works well.
The other half of my backup equation is keeping my home directory in sync between all of my computers. With two laptops and two desktops, keeping them all “up to date” is no small challenge. I have tried several solutions, including OS X Server 10.4 and portable home directories. However, the easiest to use and most reliable solution is using ChronoSync. I configure it to sync my entire home directory, minus Library, Movies, and Music. The latter two I exclude because they simply won’t fit on laptop hard drives. I only sync a small subset of my Library folder.
I run ChronoSync on an “as needed” basis, like right before I’m leaving the house, or when something is not on the laptop. Then I sync that laptop to my primary desktop system. ChronoSync has very good conflict resolution tools built in to help you sort out which version of a file you want to keep when both have changed since the last sync. It can also archive changed files and other nifty tricks. It is well worth the modest fee. Between those two apps, I can do everything I ever need to with my drives.
Retrospect: the software from OS 9 days that I’m so pleased to no longer need. While Retrospect worked quite well, it was never easy to use, and thus I was always needed to help when clients needed to set up new backups, restore from them, or do anything more complex than inserting new backup media. It is not a good solution for end users.
Another good “Backing up a Mac” article.
I was recently sent the following email.
Do not erase please! Important email. Most of you know that David Herzog, a born-again, on-fire for God man is coming to speak at the Cadillac High School Auditorium today Friday @ 7, tomorrow Saturday @ 7 and Sunday 10am and 6 at the Revival Center in Cadillac.I would encourage all to come, bring the lost, this man has lead thousands to Christ and his ministry has personally refreshed my family’s life and the life of our friends. Please don’t miss as Miracles, Signs, and Wonders have accompanied this man’s ministry.
Continue reading “Putting my money where my mouth is”