by: Matt Simerson
Monday 31 Mar 25

Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 23:30:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: Matt Simerson <>
To: "Heather E. Sprague" <>

On Wed, 9 Jun 1999, Heather E. Sprague wrote:

> How did the hike in Indiana go?

It was OK. It was way south Indiana so it wasn't like the northern section
you think of. We could see Louisville (KY) from the tops of a couple of
the hills.

> Was it really a beautiful place? I
> haven't seen a whole lot of Indiana, but it just doesn't seem to me to be
> as interesting geographically as MI.

Well, I was proven wrong, there were actually a couple of good sized hills
in Indiana but it's nothing like good 'ol Michigan. The trail we hiked was
rated very highly and I can only think that the folks that rated it just
don't have as high a standards as I do. The Manistee river trail (that I
take for granted) blows it away.