Daddy care report

Kayla is picking up words so quickly that we no longer try to keep track. At 15 months, we could rattle off a list of words she knew. Now, at 20 months we’re only amused by the 2-3 new words she uses each day.

Two days ago I walked into the room with two tangeranes and an orange. I peeled a tangerine and offered Kayla a slice. “No, BIG orange!”, she demanded. She’s been really fond of superlatives lately, with big getting the majority of the attention. I called to Jen, “I think Kayla has a new favorite superlative.” Her response, “Yes, but it should be no surprise. We are in Texas after all.”

Yesterday Jen left for Huntsville on business, so I’ve been keeping the merry little tribe cared for. Kayla and I get along well by ourselves, but with Lucas here the bar was raised. He’s used to breastfeeding and so a few adjustments were required. The little man is not just strong of body (which still surprises us) but also a bit head-strong too.

Our initial feeding after mommy left went surprising well, but the second didn’t. Which led me to a modified version of an old corollary, “you can feed Lucas a bottle but you can’t make him drink.” After a fairly dismal attempt, I decided we’d give up and wait until the next feeding. At the next feeding we ate like a champ. And for our final feeding, once again dismal.

But daddy didn’t bother battling Lucas’ will. Lucas went to sleep hungry, in our room so I could hear him when he woke up hungry. Sure enough, at 4:00am we had a great feeding. Today has been more of the same. The morning feeding was dismal, but he ate really well at the next one. And now it’s that glorious time of the day when both babies are sleeping and daddy gets time to work. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Daddy care report”

  1. Join the ranks of Mr. Mom! Keith also had his turn at keeping Levi for his first day without mommy. You guys are pretty brave! How long is Jen going to be gone? Just curious.

    It’s snowing here – still! Did you add the line about the Musings from the great white north to our web page? I have a photo I’d like to put behind our names and would like to change our names to Doug & Deb instead of Deb & Doug, can you do that? Old fashioned, I guess. Thanks for the help with the page, I’ve been having fun with it.

  2. Lucas is “also a bit head-strong too.”

    And this surprises you? 🙂

    Levi is not so fond of the bottle either, and is supremely glad to watch my chest enter the door.

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