by: Matt Simerson
Friday 21 Feb 25

I figured something interesting would be a glimpse into a normal day in the life of Matt. It begins with walking out my front door and up the hill. After walking across 160th street I'm on HostPro's site already and get greeted by our flowering bushes. I'm not sure what these guys are but they're pretty:

You can click on any of the photos to get a larger version. After walking for approximately six minutes I arrive at the HostPro building and spend a couple minutes climbing stairs before arriving at my desk. I recently moved from my old cube to a new double-wide. I moved for several reasons, the most important being getting to the South side of the building so I could enjoy the sunshine. My new cube has lots of glass exposure, sunlight, and a view of the mountains. Here's a panorama I created:

And here's a couple pictures of my new double-wide:

It works out really well. I get sun, I'm in a much quieter area (no Kraftground noise), there's a lot less foot traffic walking past my cube, and I can get more work done. It works out great for everyone. :-)