I just received this note:
Dad(Killer will get you!)
with my new sword.
— An expression of love from an unnamed young male who lives in my house.
Adventures on the Journey
I just received this note:
Dad(Killer will get you!)
with my new sword.
— An expression of love from an unnamed young male who lives in my house.
Mountaineers/Climbers that have been to Yosemite, I need your advice.
I’m going to be near Yosemite soon, with two hikers that have reasonable experience with 4th class rock. Our plan is to introduce them to 5th class trad. What I have in mind is something with a variety of low 5th class routes like Mountaineers Dome near Leavenworth. Suggestions?
If you’re a Systems or Network Administrator and you have Windows PCs on your network, this How to find BOTs in a LAN article may be of interest.
Making Pad Thai
I just made Pad Thai for the first time. The results were excellent, thanks to Leela’s thorough instructions over at shesimmers.com. I read all 5 pages a couple times. Then I corralled the missing ingredients from my local Asian market and assembled as instructed.
Notes to myself:
I can seldom remember which SSL ciphers to set up, which is why I’m so glad https://cipherli.st exists. That makes it so much easier to get an A rating on the SSL Labs security tests.
In a huge and stunning move, Tesla invites all comers to help themselves to Tesla’s patents: All Our Patents Are Belong You.
Elon is refreshingly candid, explaining exactly why, “Our true competition is not the small trickle of non-Tesla electric cars being produced, but rather the enormous flood of gasoline cars.”
In other words, Tesla gathered their patents to protect against competition from the market incumbents (Ford, GM, Toyota, VW, etc.) who are almost entirely disinterested in eCars. Instead, Telsa’s most worrisome problem is a lack of consumption. If Tesla and electric cars are to succeed long term, they need to disrupt gasoline powered cars. To accomplish that, they need a thriving marketplace with strong competitors pushing forward the state of the industry.
I want a Tesla Model X more than ever.
It’s the time of year when I need to sweep the deck of Wisteria blooms daily. Today the kids were home so I called them and their neighbor friend out onto the deck. Then I shook the branches while the Wisteria plant rained petals upon them. I like to think that most any parent would have thought of turning that chore into a game. But the kids took it to the next level.
As soon as I was done shaking the vines and started sweeping them off the deck, they high tailed it down the stairs to the patio so they could relive the experience. When that was over, they loaded the flowers in buckets, carried them back upstairs onto the deck and raining them onto each other again.
Recipe: Blackberry Pie
Yield: 9 or 10″ deep dish pie