conservatives revolt, en masse

As a conservative, I am pleased to see the many conservatives revolting against McCain and the Republican party. Even Chris Buckley, who owns 1/7 of the National Review. Colin PowellConservative papers that endorsed Bush. None have said it better than The Chicago Tribune:

This endorsement makes some history for the Chicago Tribune. This is the first time the newspaper has endorsed the Democratic Party’s nominee for president.

Continue reading “conservatives revolt, en masse”

rectangular milk jugs

We’ve eliminated 11,000 delivery trips to Sam’s Club by moving to this jug. The one big challenge has been that it’s different to pour. If you tip it and put it into the glass, it works fine, but if you pick it up and pour it like the old jug, you’ll miss. So we’ve had a lot of people crying over spilled milk.  — Sam’s Club CEO Doug McMillon

putting two and two together

After explaining the necessity of the $700 billion economic rescue plan, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson goes on to say, “I wouldn’t bet against the long-term fundamentals of this country,” he said on NBC’s Meet the Press. “But this is a humbling experience to see so much fragility in our capital markets, and ask how did we ever get here.”

May I propose a suggestion?

actions that speak louder than words

Does this resemble the actions of someone who has nothing to hide: Palin allies sue to halt trooper probe.

The truth of Troopergate will certainly be made public. Sarah’s supporters are hoping it be can be suppressed long enough to get her elected. I wish integrity mattered more to Americans. I’d love to hear Sarah apologize for abusing her power to meddle where wise counsel advised her she ought not meddle. I’d love to see Sarah honor the pledge she made to cooperate with the investigation. 

Now that she’s a VP candidate, the investigation she was to cooperate with is now a “witch-hunt.” We have learned that she has been systemically using personal email for official government use. How can we assume this was anything but a deliberate effort to skirt federal laws requiring the archival of government communications? This is every bit as bad as Bush’s “loss” of emails.

America, are you sure you want this woman one beating heart away from the office of President?

Great Products #2

I have recently read two books, both of which should be read by every American voter, especially during an election year. The books are very complementary. I suggest starting with Basic Economics, A Citizens Guide To The Economy. Basic Economics contains the most fascinating and salient points of The Wealth of Nations, which is often referred to as Economics 101. Wealth of Nations is a great book but it is not easy to read and you need to be an economist to fully appreciate it. Basic Economics contains the same great economic information but presented in layman terms. Because is it very modern, the case examples are within recent memory and that makes the economic lessons resonate. You can see a preview of the book on Google Books.

My second recommendation is China, Inc.: How the Rise of the Next Superpower Challenges America and the World by Ted Fischer. After reading Basic Economics, China’s rise as an industrial giant makes perfect economic sense. If you expect to be in the workforce for the next decade or three, you really should read this book. Or one like it. reviewers also like China Shakes the World: A Titan’s Rise and Troubled Future — and the Challenge for America.