Handy domestic app

A year or two ago, I found GroceryIQ, a nifty shopping list application for the iPhone. It has an enormous built in catalog of grocery items, as well as being able to add custom items and custom stores. So, I can walk into REI, and it’ll show just the items I’m looking for.

The only feature I’ve wished for that it doesn’t have was syncing the list on Jen’s iPhone with the list on mine. A few months back, I poked around and lo and behold, the feature had been added.

Words cannot scarcely describe how wonderful this feature is. Any time Jen adds an item to her list, I get a push messsage that notifies me. And vice versa. When I open the app, the item is in my list.

Because the database is so large, items normally have the brand, size, and quantity as well. So when I buy something, I know I’m getting exactly the right product and quantity.