AT&T account secret

I have a mobile phone number based in Michigan. I live in Seattle. I have a Seattle mobile as well. I wanted to merge them both onto a single AT&T Family Plan account. Quite a few AT&T reps told me it couldn’t be done without changing my numbers to both be in the same “business area.” 

I wanted to keep both existing numbers. So I persisted. The magic incantation is “NBI account.”  Tell the first AT&T rep you speak with you want to transfer a line to an account. Or activate a new line, or whatever you need to do for your 2nd line. When you get to someone that is supposed to be able to help, ask if they are authorized to do NBI accounts. If not, ask for someone who is. If they don’t know what that is, hang up and try again. 

I didn’t get anyone helpful through AT&T phone support. But at my local AT&T store, the manager exclusively has NBI account access. He set me up with a NBI account, dropped both lines into it, and put them on the family plan. I have an AT&T Family Plan with two lines, one in Michigan and one in Washington.

2 thoughts on “AT&T account secret”

  1. Hmmm.. I have a TC number and a Lansing number on mine. That didn’t seem to difficult. Is it only across state lines?

  2. Those are both in the same business market. The markets I know of are “the Great Lakes” market and the “Pacific” market.

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