I’ve finally bought a Kill-A-Watt. Of course, I’ve been running around plugging stuff into it to see how much juice various items use.
- 252 W: Halogen Lamp
- 150 W: iMac 24″ under load
- 95 W : iMac 24″ at idle
- 80 W : Home build file server**
- 50 W : 20″ Apple LCD display (2W sleep)
- 48 W : 20″ Viewsonic LCD display (1W sleep)
- 45 W : iMac 24″ at idle, display in “sleep” mode
- 30 W : Two disk Firewire 800 enclosure
- 25 W : Lamp with 25W Compact Florescent bulb
- 24 W : MacBook Pro 15″
- 05 W : Netgear GS108 8-port Gigabit Switch
** I’m very proud of how little power my file server consumes. I went out of my way to reduce power (and heat dissipation) everywhere I could. Housed in an Antec P180b case is a Core 2 Duo T5500 CPU, Corsair 85% efficient modular power supply, 4GB of RAM, Compact Flash boot disk, 2 Gigabit Ethernet, a pair of mirrored 500GB disks, and a 300GB disk. I clocked down the CPU, reduced fan speeds, run powerd to reduce the CPU speed even more, and used smartd to spin down disks that aren’t in use.
And that halogen lamp? It’s gone.
If it was not official already you are now a techno-nerd.