We had a checkup this morning. The doctor inserted a tin can and string to Junior and handed us the other tin can. After a short conversation, we learned a few things.
1. The quarters are quite cramped. Momma would say we already knew this, but hey, this is “insider info!”
2. He’s in no hurry to get out. Unlike Kayla, who just couldn’t wait to arrive, Junior is chillin’. Apparently he likes the warmth and moisture, which bodes well for him if we stay in Texas. It could also be that he likes seeing his food arrive in a tube. The string wasn’t very tight so we had to guess at exactly what he was trying to say.
Doc says we’re 50% effaced and 2cm dilated. What does that mean? Not a whole lot. Being half effaced means the cervix is getting ready, but arrival is not imminent. It could be later this week, or next, or even the next…unless we choose to induce.
It could just be that Junior 2.0 likes to be on time and is waiting until Saturday. We shall see.
I will be praying for your family, how exciting đ God bless!