All settled in – the wait begins

1:18AM – All is quiet in the hospital room. We’ve checked in, so we’ll be here for the duration. They’ve monitored both mommy and Junior and all is well. The contractions are still mild to moderate, but we’re 80% effaced, so we’re progressing well. Jen’s in the bathtub, soaking. I’m preparing to take a nap.

One thought on “All settled in – the wait begins”

  1. Ah, the wait is almost over! Boy or Girl?!? The nap sounds like a splendid approach to the oncoming responsibilities. The next 18 (or 60) years you will not get a peaceful night’s sleep! Have any names in mind? (Kevin sounds nice and works for a boy or a girl.) Was that a caramel praline that Jen made you for your third? (It looks delicious, any left?)

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