MySQL Replication Manager

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MySQL Replication Manager - ChangeLog

Author: Matt Simerson.

[ Install | FAQ | ChangeLog | Sample ]

  1.5.1 - 07.08.03 

	Cleaned up for public release.
	Replaced mysql_connect with MATT::Mysql::MysqlConnect
	Added more error checking for mysql_backup

  1.5   - 05.24.03

	Migrated many basic functions into MATT::Mysql and

  1.4.3 - 02.24.03

	Started rudimentary slave promotion

  1.4.2 - 02.21.03

	Added some documentation
	moved 5 FindTheBin calls into subs that required them
	Reordered the subroutines to make editing easier
	Added check for binlog enabled
	Added mysql_get_hashes & mysql_get_vars

  1.4.1 - 02.19.03 

	Solaris tar doesn't support -z (compression)

  1.4   - 02.11.03 

	Moved the $dot stuff from main into parse_dot_file
	Get uname info via POSIX uname instead of system call
	Enhanced documentation
	Made the archive, copy, extract functions more portable
		as not everyone installs MySQL in the same place I do.
	WARNING: If you use older versions of this, make sure
		you update your ~/.my.cnf.
	Prototyped all my subroutines
	Added mysql_get_vars

  1.3.6 - 02.10.03 

	Only warn if sudo isn't installed. Update subs so 
		they fail operations that require special privileges
		if they aren't available.
	Added /usr/local/mysql/bin to find_the_bin sub.
	Finished backup feature, now works correctly

  1.3.5 - 02.07.03 

	Load Date::Parse via load_module. Linux doesn't have
		it installed by default. :(

  1.3.4 - 01.17.03 

	Enhanced documentation (added dependencies section)

  1.3.3 - 12.07.02 

	Added additional support for OS's other than FreeBSD
	Works well with Mac OS X (Jaguar) 10.2
	Now tested with MySQL 4 (v4.0.4)
	Added backup feature (requires cronolog)
	Added find_the_bin sub to make code more portable

  1.3.2 - 11.22.02 

	Made improvements to the purge logs command. Now it's
		safe to run it from cron to keep your bin-log files
		from consuming your entire disk.

  1.3.1 - 11.22.02 

	Added $warn options. Useful in mysql_shutdown or connect
		routines, continue even if the remote server is down or
		or inaccessible.
	Ordered main loop so menu prints if no options supplied
		$opt_h no longer necessary and removed

  1.3   - 11.20.02 

	Fixed problem where mysql_sync_slaves tripped over itself
	Added show_master_logs
	Added some support for more versions of MySQL
		Particulary versions older than the current one
	Added more robust yes_or_no sub
	Wrapped all queries in mysql_query
	Log purge now purges all logs except the last one
	Added configurable mysql directories
	Moved .my_repl settings to .my.cnf file

  1.2.1 - 11.16.02 

	added "Date::Format::" prefix to my time2str call

  1.2   - 11.11.02 

	Moved server settings into .my_repl dot file

  1.1.2 - 11.11.02 

	Tweaked load_module sub

  1.1.1 - 10.28.02 

	Fixed typo.

  1.1   - 10.24.02

	Added better replication reporting feaures (-i)
	Added more and better inline documentation.
	Added load_module function to trap any "use" errors
when a module isn't already installed and then
install that module. 
	Subtle refinements to code for cleanliness

  1.0   - 10.14.02 - Initial writing and release

© Matt Simerson 1999-2004 - Email suggestions or updates.