FreeBSD Mail Toaster AntiSpam
Author: Matt Simerson.
Last update: 06.02.2003
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Free support is NOT provided by the author. Support by the author is provided on a fee basis only.
Contributions: Express ideas on the mailing list. If you are anxious to express your gratitude, feel free to purchase something from my wish list.
Q: How Do I implement mail filtering on my toaster?
A: That's a complex multi-part answer, because there's many ways to do so. I will merely present a few of the most popular methods. These methods assume you have already processed mail using SpamAssassin or some similar package that tags the email (via a X-Spam-Status header) as spam, viral, or otherwise evil. If you haven't already, download the script and run "toaster_setup -s filter". Then read the section down further regarding QmailScanner.
Single user(s):
Using Procmail
Using Maildrop
Entire server:
Using Procmail
Using Maildrop
Q: How do I add mail filtering for a user using Procmail?
A: First, download the script and run "toaster_setup -s filter".
cd ~vpopmail/domains/
fetch -o procmailrc
fetch -o .qmail
chown vpopmail:vchkpw procmailrc .qmail
Edit the procmailrc file to taste.
Q: How do I add mail filtering for a user using maildrop?
A: First, download the script and run "toaster_setup -s filter".
cd ~vpopmail/domains/
fetch -o mailfilter
fetch -o .qmail
chown vpopmail:vchkpw mailfilter .qmail; chmod 600 mailfilter
Optional: Edit the mailfilter to taste.
Q: How do I add mail filtering for an entire site using procmail?
A: First, download the script and run "toaster_setup -s filter".
Not Complete!
Optional: Edit the procmailrc file to taste.
Q: How do I add mail filtering for an entire site using maildrop?
A: First, download the script and run "toaster_setup -s filter".
Upgrade qmailadmin to 1.0.21, enable the spam sections (via the script) and click the little checkbox for users that want spam filtering.
Optional: Write a script that adds a .qmail file to the virtual user home directory of every user on your system. An example: ~vpopmail/domains/ contains "| /usr/local/bin/maildrop /usr/local/etc/mail/mailfilter". I personally believe you should require users to log into qmailadmin and enable it themselves.
Optional: Edit /usr/local/etc/mail/mailfilter to taste.
Q: How does QmailScanner decide what emails to process?
A: Based on the QMAILQUEUE environment variable. You must set this in some fashion, the most forward of which is to edit /service/smtp/run and add these two lines:
Don't forget to restart qmail-smtpd after editing that file. (svc -t /service/smtp)
You can override that for specific IP's by editing ~vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp and adding ',QMAILQUEUE="/var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue"' to the IP(s) that you want to bypass qmail-scanner.