10 thoughts on “Kayla & Daddy”

  1. I know it’s hot down there, but I’m just beggin’ Matt to put a shirt on for JUST ONE PICTURE.

  2. Y’all, I’m doing good just to get him in shorts ya here. It’s still averaging around 90 degrees.

  3. 90 degrees? Ok I could’ve done without hearing that. It’s supposed to snow here thursday…..thats no lie..

  4. Jen…well, as long as we don’t get pictures if he ditches the shorts too! LOL

  5. It is good to see you are making progress with the native language (Y’all) and if Kayla does not quit growing so fast she will be classes with her Dad (another southern tradition) by the way what is that Kayla is showing Matt Yoga or Gymnastic’s?

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